All posts

  • 0.2.4

    Foreground and background colors are now separate variables. Also, most static links do not show a :visited style anymore.

  • 0.2.3

    SCSS variables can now be overridden in _sass/_custom.scss. Import _variables.scss to get the default values.

  • 0.2.2

    Page titles are now shown above posts and static pages. You can disable this by setting show_page_titles to false in _config.yml.

  • 0.2.1

    In jekyll-glass v0.2.1, the post list now shows excerpts by default. You can disable this by setting show_excerpts to false in _config.yml.

  • 0.2.0

    jekyll-glass v0.2.0 now dynamically generates static links from your configuration.

  • 0.1.0

    jekyll-glass v0.1.0 is the first release. It is pretty much identical to how my blog looked before I made it a theme.